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Analytics Engineering
Applied ML
Data Visualizations
Streamlit app to learn about history using AI-generated images and captions of user-selected Wikipedia history pages and art styles.
Technologies: Python, Streamlit, OpenAI
SOTA Explorer
Streamlit app for viewing detailed information about SOTA ML models and performances on popular benchmarks.
Technologies: Python, Streamlit, Paperswithcode, Plotly
XC Team Ranking Prediction
Project to predict rankings of 55 XC teams based on individual-level performance. Random Forest model achieved a Spearman's Rank Correlation of 0.91.
Technologies: Python, SciKit-Learn, Pandas
O*NET-LinkedIn Occupation Classifications
Analytics tool for viewing skill requirements sourced from LinkedIn using O*NET occupation classifications
Technologies: Python, PySpark, Streamlit
Time-lapse of NYC Taxi Zones, 2018-2022
Dynamic time-lapse video showing change in demand for Yellow Taxis in NYC across all NYC TLC zones from 2018-2022
Technologies: Python, Folium, MoviePy, Selenium
Store Locator Web Scraper
Web scraper that aggregates and standardizes store locator data using string matching techniques
Technologies: Python, BeautifulSoup, Fuzzywuzzy
Walmart Proximity Analysis
Explores the proximity of the US population to all Walmart locations, integrating geospatial and statistical analysis
Technologies: Python, Tableau, GeoPy, BeautifulSoup
Real-Time Economic Indicators
Streamlit-based analytics dashboard visualizing real-time economic indicators
Technologies: Python, Streamlit, Cron, Plotly