Zachary Pinto


I currently work as a business data analyst, where I use a variety of theoretical and technical tools to try to solve both simple and complex problems. The simpler problems are usually easier to solve.


I took Intro Statistics in the spring of 2018, and it was the first class in my life that I actually enjoyed.

Eventually, I decided to study Mathematical Economics, where I learned how advanced statistics and data science can be used to develop models and simulations of the world.

I started "learning to code" in the fall of 2018 and, like most people just starting out, I was very bad at it. Eventually, I learned that a lot of programming is just about computational problem-solving and learning to decompose problems into smaller sub-problems.

I am always trying to widen my skill set by building tools and applications related to data science. A selection of my projects can be found on the Projects page. I also enjoy solving programming problems in DSA, mathematics, and data science. I personally use LeetCode, Project Euler, and StrataScratch (respectively) for these purposes.

Other Interests:
  • Cooking (Mainly Italian or other Mediterranean dishes)
  • Reading
  • Walking around